5 Things you probably don't know about Jess Collett...
We love to give you a taste of where our hats come from and what better way is there than to get to know the maker. So to brighten up your Friday here are some fun facts about Jess... Brownie points if you can spot the lie in amoung the truth!
- Jess' first hat was an upturned sieve with pianapple and cheese cocktail sticks.
- If jess wasn't a milliner she would have been a stunt woman
- Jess Chased David Bowie down the Fullham Palace road on her bicylce to give him a wave but forgotto give him a buisness card
- Ronnie Wood stole Jess’ hat off her head in lift ofThe Berkeley Hotel
- When Jess dropped off a hat for Sophie Wessex at Buckingham Palace she went wandering and accidentally slid down the laundry shoot to basement!
Hat Fact: Did you know our panama straw colours
were exlusively woven for JCM. You wont find these
anywhere else on the market!
were exlusively woven for JCM. You wont find these
anywhere else on the market!
Hat fact: Did you know the queen has a corridor of
wardrobes/rooms all organised by colour of outfits?
wardrobes/rooms all organised by colour of outfits?

Jess' fave hat for everyday this Summer!

Jess' fave hat for Ascot this summer
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