London Hat Week - For all you hat lovers!
Earlier in the week I had the privileged to be on a discussion panel for the evening of royal millinery at London hat week. In the spirit of hat week we got together to celebrate the love of hats and to share insights and experiences about the incredible work done by milliners here in London.
It was fascinating to hear stories from the likes of Dylan Wallwork who has worked for Philip Sommerville and produced hats for Her Majesty the Queen. He shared wonderful snippets and titbits about his time working for the royal family. Did you know Her Majesty’s wardrobe is categorised into colour coded rooms… For example she will have a yellow room with her yellow outfits, from hat down to the shoes and a record of when and where the outfit was last worn. What an incredible wardrobe to have (or even witness!)
I also had the privilege of hearing stories from Ian Bennet who uses to make hats from Lady Diana. The evening was filled with enthralling conversation and It was a pleasure to contribute my own humble experiences and meet these fantastic milliners. Becky Weaver and Georgina Abbot, the two wonderful ladies who started hat week are an absolute inspiration. London hat week has a mirage of exciting events that celebrates the spirit and energy a hat can add, a philosophy we are totally behind at JCM.
If you didn’t quite make it there this year, make sure you catch it next time around. We’ve been there done it and got the T-shirt but will definitely be back again!

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